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Life Activation (recommended as first session)

An ancient tool used to reconnect you to your highest self and your divine blue print.

Working in the spiritual DNA, this session will bring you light and cultivate your higher purpose. 

Benefits of session include:

Clarity of mind

Freedom from unconscious emotional traps 

Cleansing of DNA from individual and family pattern

Strengthening immune system

Clearing of emotional and physical blockages 

Reestablished clear flow with your highest self 

Rejuvenating burnt out energies 

Empowering your individualized gifts and creativity 

Rebalancing of the elements within the body 

Removing debris from the aura

Heightening intuition 


Exchange $300

Cord Cutting and Clearing

Cord cutting will release you from emotional attachment related to people and situations. It will assist you to move forward without negative attachment and patterns formed by your past. This session includes a clearing of negative energies.


Exchange $250


Crystal Readings

In this session we will use crystals to get information from your akashic records to assist in progression and clarity.

Exchange $250


Meditation based on personal goals and needs.



sliding scale based on client 

Full Spirit Activation 

An ancient technique used by the Lamas of Tibet working in the neurological system, this activation opens and enhances your physical experience by connecting you directly to your soul; putting the "old brain"  back in communication with your divinity. 

Benefits of session include:

Lighting up and clearing of pathways and systems 

Enhancing senses

Internal ease and sense of joy

Feeling more ALIVE

Deeper connection to nature

Clarity of your purpose and path

Heightened awareness in body

Increased communion with the divine order

Greater connection with your body


Exchange $300

Spark of Life

This distant healing weaves the highest light into your being, rejuvenating you on all levels bringing healing, joy, peace and clarity.


Exchange $250


Crystal Healing

Using the crystal kingdom to heal various emotional. physical and mental blocks, this healing works with the power of Mother Earth to move blockages and stagnant energy.

Exchange $250

Hermetic Soul Retrieval

In this session you will get back the pieces of you that may feel lost. Helping you live with more clarity an ability to fully express.

Exchange $250

Packages available and much more....


love is the key 

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